I’m a network analysis and security researcher. I enjoy working with home networks & IoTs, analyzing Internet usage and reliability, and developing solutions to make our networks more secure.
MA (PhD incomplete) in Computer Science
Princeton University
MTech in Electronics and Communication Engg (Wireless Communication)
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
BTech in Electronics and Communication Engg
Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
DPI, pcap, nmap, tshark, iperf, broadband usage
IoTs, usage behavior, WSN reliability
IoT privacy, smart home security, malware identification
statistics, machine learning, SQL, Spark
pandas, scikit-learn, scipy, numpy, scrapy
Python, Scala, Java, C/C++
Manage finance and logistics of a family owned business. Currently completing Coursera MOOCs on deep learning and functional programming in Scala. Responsibilities include:
A Case Study of Traffic Demand Response to Broadband Service-Plan Upgrades
S. Grover, R. Ensafi, N. Feamster
Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM)
Greece. March 2016. [pdf]
Presented at CableLabs 2016 and Federal Communications Commission.
The Internet of Unpatched Things
S. Grover, N. Feamster
Federal Trade Commission - PrivacyCon Washington D.C. January 2016. [pdf, mp4]
Facade: High-Throughput, Deniable Censorship Circumvention Using Web Search
B. Jones, S. Burnett, N. Feamster, S. Donovan, S. Grover, S. Gunasekaran, K. Habak,
USENIX Workshop on Free and Open Communication on the Internet
San Diego, CA. August 2014. [pdf]
FlowQoS: QoS for the Rest of Us
M. S. Seddiki, M. Shahbaz, S. Donovan, S. Grover, M. Park, N. Feamster, Y. Song,
ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Hot Topics in Software Defined Networking (HotSDN)
Chicago, IL. August 2014. [pdf]
Peeking Behind the NAT: An Empirical Study of Home Networks
S. Grover, M. Park, S. Sundaresan, S. Burnett, H. Kim, B. Ravi, N. Feamster
ACM SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Conference
Barcelona, Spain, October 2013. [pdf,ppt]
Panoptes: Detecting Malware Activity in Home Networks
S. Grover, N. Feamster
UbiComp Workshop on Design, Technology, Systems and Applications for the Home (HomeSys), Poster
Zurich, Switzerland. September 2013. [pdf]
An Experimental Study of Wireless Connectivity and Routing in Ad-hoc Sensor Networks for Real-Time Soccer Player Monitoring
V. Sivaraman, A. Dhamdhere, H. Chen, A. Kurusingal, S. Grover
Ad Hoc Networks (Elsevier)
May 2013. [pdf]
mPaaS: Delivering Mobile Platforms as a Cloud Service
A. Gupta, S. Grover
USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI), Poster and Demonstration
Lombart, IL. April 2013. [pdf]
Experimental Study of Mobility in the Soccer Field with Application to Real-Time Athlete Monitoring
V. Sivaraman, S. Grover, A. Kurusingal, A. Dhamdhere, A. Burdett
IEEE Wireless & Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob)
Niagara Falls, Canada, November 2010. Best Paper Award [pdf]
Performance Evaluation of Wireless Body Area Network using Cross Layer Approach
S. Grover
Master’s Thesis, Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee
Roorkee, June 2010. [pdf]
A Real Time Face Tracking System using Rank Deficient Face Detection and Motion Estimation
V. Saxena, S. Grover, S. Joshi
IEEE Cybernetic Intelligent Systems (CIS)
London, UK, September 2008. [pdf]