
  • Detect the performance bottleneck in a home network by collaborating between home devices.
  • Created a monitoring system to collect detailed wireless measurements from synchronized devices in a home, and manage and upload this data to the centralized server for analysis.
  • Tested uplink and downlink broadband performance from devices to detect if bottleneck is in the local wireless network or at the edge router.
  • Link to analysis
  • Link to code

  • We develop the browserlab daemon that listens on multiple network devices in a home, and propose collaborative bottleneck detection algorithm to identify if the access link is the bottleneck or the wireless is. Next, the daemon will be ported as a browser extension to scale the solution and collect large scale home wireless measurements.

  • Link to setup-code.

  • Link to test-code

  • Integrating and extending the Fathom and BISmark measurement platforms to develop a home network troubleshooter for internal and external network diagnosis. The API allows a user to communicate between connected clients, and with the gateway, to issue parallel tests to analyse the home networks performance.

  • Link to modified OpenWRT bismark build

  • Programmed active traceroute test on bismark router and analyzed latency and throughput performance from routers.

Sarthak Grover
Computer Networks Researcher

Network analysis researcher and security expert