Athlete Monitoring

  • Monitored inter-connectivity between players using wireless bio-medical sensors and multiple base stations during soccer games. Analyzed time-series experimental data and developed encounter based model to capture user mobility, and generate synthetic network topologies.
  • Simulated encounter based real-time routing scheme for dynamic multi-hop networks. Applications include providing referee-assist and enhanced television broadcast services during games.
  • Awarded the best student paper at \emph{IEEE WiMob 2010}, Niagara Falls, Canada (Acceptance: 28.9).
  • Link to paper on athlete monitoring

Cross-Layer WBAN Analysis

  • Implemented cross layer protocol to auto-regressively predict PHY parameters and control MAC level queue for mobile nodes in Rayleigh fading environment.
  • Modeled human body channel for intra BAN (on-body network). Comprehensive simulations on NS2 showed improved network throughput and lifetime.
  • Applications include energy efficient athlete monitoring and remote health care for mobile users.
  • Link to master’s thesis on performance analysis of cross layer WSNs
Sarthak Grover
Computer Networks Researcher

Network analysis researcher and security expert